Christian Andre  Chmiel

The Evolution of international Merchant Acceptance: Challenges, Risks and Chances

Christian Andre Chmiel , Chief Executive Officer Web Shield Limited
Christian A. Chmiel, CEO of Web Shield Limited in London, is responsible for the development and implementation of new investigation techniques and research tools to identify fraudulent or brand damaging online merchants. Before he served as the Deputy Head of Compliance with Wirecard Bank AG in Germany, and specialized in online fraud investigations, credit card compliance and underwriting for acquiring banks. He has served clients across a wide range of sectors, including financial services, IT software, entertainment, travel and health. Christian has undertaken assignments in the mainland Europe, Israel, Georgia, North America and the United Arabian Emirates. He brings deep experience in conducting investigations into fraudulent intentions of online merchants, risk calculations and forecasting methodologies. Christian is a Certified Fraud Examiner (ACFE) and a Certified High-Risk Underwriter (WSA), and holds a bachelor's and Diploma degree in European Business Administration. Christian is a lecturer at the Web Shield Academy and has written and co-written a series of publications about the various aspects of risk management, fraud detection and investigative methodology.
Секция 3.5. FrontEnd и Back-office

Тезисы доклада:
- Evolvement of merchant acceptance procedures.
- New business models and their challenges.
- Online Investigation and Strategy.
- Supporting the merchant acceptance procedures through GEiDD.